Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology
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Effects of a long-acting somatostatin analogue, lanreotide, on bile duct ligation-induced liver fibrosis in rats

Gülgün Tahan, Fatih EREN, Orhan TARÇIN, Hakan AKIN, Veysel Tahan, Hülya ŞAHİN, Osman ÖZDOĞAN, Neşe İMERYÜZ, Çiğdem ÇELİKEL, Erol AVŞAR, Nurdan TÖZÜN

(Turk J Gastroenterol 2010; 21: 287-292) DOI: 10.4318/tjg.2010.0102

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Determination of hepatitis B genotypes in patients with chronic hepatitis B virus infection in Turkey

Filiz Türe ÖZDEMİR, Deniz DUMAN, Deniz ERTEM, Erol AVŞAR, Fatih EREN, Osman ÖZDOĞAN, Cem KALAYCI, Nuray ASLAN, A.Mithat BOZDAĞI, Nurdan TÖZÜN

(Turk J Gastroenterol 2005; 16: 183-187)

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The relation between gallbladder motility, autonomic neuropathy and corrected QT interval in chronic liver disease

Ahmet Kemal GÜRBÜZ , Ramazan ÖZTÜRK, Yusuf YAZGAN , A. Melih ÖZEL, Levent DEMİRTÜRK, Osman Cavit ÖZDOĞAN, Çınar BAŞEKİM, Serdar Nuri HASKÖK

(Turk J Gastroenterol 1999; 10: 221-226)

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EISSN 2148-5607