Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology
Original Article

Incidence, causes, and outcomes of renal failure among cirrhotic patients


Department of Tropical Medicine and Gastroenterology, Sohag University Faculty of Medicine, Sohag, Egypt


Department of Tropical Medicine and Gastroenterology, Assiut University Faculty of Medicine, Assiut, Egypt


Department of Internal medicine, Assiut University Faculty of Medicine, Assiut, Egypt

Turk J Gastroenterol 2015; 26: 517-521
DOI: 10.5152/tjg.2015.15169
Read: 1945 Downloads: 1439 Published: 25 July 2019


Background/Aims: To evaluate the incidence, risk factors of RF among cirrhotic and its impact on patient’s outcome.


Materials and Methods: A total of 573 cirrhotic patients were evaluated for renal failure (RF) and its causes, 212 patients (37%) were enrolled. 


Results: Majority of the patients had post hepatitis C liver disease (n=190, 89.6%) with Child-Pugh score C (88.2%), HCC was in 21.2% of cases baseline characteristics. Infections were observed in 45.8% (n=97) of patients whereas, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) was the most type of infection (19.3%) among cirrhotic patients with renal failure, followed by pneumonia (9.9%). Infection-induced represents 30.2% followed by hypovolemia (29.7%), whereas HRS was in 11.3%. Reversibility of the condition was seen in 81 patients (38.2%), whereas mortality was seen in 58 (27.4%) patients of RF. The reversibility was more common in the patients with infection, followed by hypovolemia. Mortality was higher in the patients with HRS followed by parenchymal renal disease.


Conclusion: Infection-induced and hypovolemic-induced RF represent the most common and also the most correctable causes and must be considered in management protocols for early detection and treatment that will serve for a better prognosis.

EISSN 2148-5607